
Your reference in sustainable residential construction and renovation

Your reference in sustainable residential construction and renovation

The website guideperrier.ca informs you about good practices in residential construction and renovation in a perspective of sustainable economic development. 

In housing, sustainable development involves the use of:

1- Renewable resources in priority, if not optimal non-renewable resources.

2- Sustainable technologies whose maintenance would be user-friendly (within the user’s reach)

3- High energy efficiency design for construction and periodic maintenance.

This approach aims at a long-term economic development by protecting the quality of our environment.

As an introduction to this topic see Ecological foundations of green buildings

Sustainable, healthy, eco-friendly or energy-efficient materials?

There are many ways to consider the “environmental” nature of a product, but it is sometimes wrong to believe that using a natural product is more eco-friendly. To assess its sustainability, you must:

– Evaluate energetically its life cycle, from the production of the resource to its destruction (from the cradle to the grave)

– Its source according to the place of construction (to evaluate the energy impact of its transport)

– Its impact on water and air pollution as well as on the health of the population

– Its impact on other building materials used. The performance of a wall, roof or floor construction system should also be evaluated, not just the material.